We receive a lot of emails and are doing our best to answer them as fast as we can. 

Before contacting support, please do the following:

Read the FAQ to see if your issue has already been answered.

If you have an issue with the licensing system and you are using the free version, please make sure you do the following:

When the program starts, if your license has expired, select Yes in the following dialog:

You will be taken to the license tab. Enter an alternative email (your second email, an email of a friend or relative or other) in the "Copy to:" field.
Then click on "Re-send petrol mail".

Please note that refilling licenses only work on version 3.2 and earlier.

Check the email account you used when registering the CNC Simulator the first time, as well as the secondary email you entered in the "Copy to" field. 

You should now have received a license email. If not, enter another email in the "Copy to:" field and try again.

In the email, you will find a code. Go to the Petrol station and enter the code.

Enter the number from the Captcha image as well and check the box "I have read...".
Click on "Full tank please!".

Now, restart CNC Simulator. It should start normally.

If you still have a problem with your license, read this:


We get many emails with questions like "It does not work, what should I do?".
These questions are impossible to answer as they do not contain any information to help us find the root of the problem.

You need to tell us the license ID so we can find you in our database.

Do the following:

Open the license settings as described above. Click on the "Copy to clipboard" button.

Open your email client and create a new email either manually or by clicking the link below.
In the new message, press CTRL-V to paste the license information into the body of the email.

Whenever you have a technical question that needs answering, you want that answer as fast as possible. If you want to get a timely response from your support technician, there are things you can do as a customer to speed up the process:

Define the problem as accurately as possible.

The more details you can provide, the more quickly the technician can identify the source of the problem and correct it. Try to determine the following information if possible:

  • What were you doing when the error occurred?

  • What program/ version were you operating that produced the error?

  • Note the version of the program and the operating system that you are running on your computer.

  • If there is a specific error message, what does it say? Be prepared to give this information to the technician by email.

  • What are the steps you take to reproduce the error?

  • What time did you first notice the error?

  • Did the error occur only once, consistently over a period of time, or only when you do a certain thing?

  • Can you reproduce the error on another computer?

Help us help you by following the guidelines above!